Bespoke Training & Facilitation

Comprehensive training programs designed to empower businesses in achieving and maintaining compliance, staying ahead of evolving tech trends, and cultivating high-performance cultures.

Nathan Rukanda

Cross-Industry Trainer & Facilitator

Drawing upon extensive experience as a seasoned global facilitator and speaker, I specialize in delivering tailored training services to teams of varying sizes in diverse industries. My expertise aids leaders in identifying and addressing critical business challenges, fostering enhanced productivity across the organization, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. The comprehensive services I offer seamlessly integrate both technical trends and indispensable soft skills, equipping businesses for success in the swiftly evolving landscape of modern business.

Navigate complex decision-making processes, handle conflicts and tensions & foster creativity and innovation.

Training available


Create a security-conscious workplace culture.

Human error is a key component in major security breaches, which is why training employees on cyber security awareness is so important. Organizations can substantially enhance their security posture and cyber resilience by educating workers to detect and respond to cyber-attacks. The training program includes AI attacks, phishing, third-party vulnerabilities, inadequate cyber hygiene, malware, vulnerabilities in mobile devices, ransomware, social engineering, and more.

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Big Data

Harnessing the power of data analytics to drive informed decision-making and business growth.

Utilizing data-driven insights to stay ahead of industry trends is crucial for any business to thrive. This training will equip you with the knowledge to comprehend big data, user-driven events, data science methodologies, and machine learning. You will be able to apply these skills to effectively inform the development of successful product features and devise strategic business solutions.

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Internet of things (IOT)

Exploring the interconnectivity of devices and how it impacts businesses.

nternet of things devices can be found throughout our homes and in our workplaces. Many organizations turn to IoT for help increasing efficiency and sustainability, saving money, improving customer service, and raising their overall productivity. This training provides an opportunity to delve into how your devices can contribute value to your business.

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Artificial Intelligence

Discovering the potential of AI and its applications in various industries

Artificial Intelligence has emerged as the focal point for strategic decision-making in organizational contexts. It is reshaping the operational landscape across industries, impacting functions ranging from sales and marketing to finance and HR. Companies are embracing AI as a key factor to gain a competitive advantage. This training will explore the current landscape of AI, its global impact on businesses across diverse sectors, its potential influence on your current role, and actionable insights on how to navigate these changes. In addition, the fundamental components of AI, emphasizing the importance of gaining a high-level understanding of these concepts in today's data-driven environment.

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Conflict Management

Resolving conflicts and fostering positive relationships within teams.

Workplace conflict resolution holds significance as it empowers individuals with the capacity to actively listen, enhance boundary comprehension, and generate innovative solutions. Proficiency in conflict resolution not only saves time but also fosters stronger relationships, contributing to a positive and productive work environment.

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Building and managing successful teams

Effective techniques for managing people, and resources.

Guiding a team toward success goes beyond merely assigning tasks. Serving as a pivotal force in fostering business expansion, overseeing team management demands a blend of interpersonal, technical, and organizational competencies.

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Who do I work with?

The training sessions and workshops are customized for the audience, designed to be flexible and applicable to employees at various career stages, spanning from heads of departments and directors/managers to C-suite executives.

Spaces available per sessions

SMEs & Big Cooperation 


NGOs & Charities

Past delegates